Shem’s Idle Notes’

‘Toothpaste Ingredients.Toothpaste has been around for ages, although it became popular during World War 1. Shiny White teeth became a fashion statement after World War I had ended, and toothpaste quickly became a product that most people simply couldn’t live without.Nearly everyone uses toothpaste; it is something you can hardly do without. But while we use it daily, few people actually bother to check what ingredients are contained in the toothpaste.

Friday, March 11, 2011
prevent cavities

‘Toothpaste Ingredients.

Toothpaste has been around for ages, although it became popular during World War 1. Shiny White teeth became a fashion statement after World War I had ended, and toothpaste quickly became a product that most people simply couldn’t live without.

Nearly everyone uses toothpaste; it is something you can hardly do without. But while we use it daily, few people actually bother to check what ingredients are contained in the toothpaste.

Interestingly, there is a number of dangerous ingredients used, that while they may be harmless in the toothpaste, they are actually harmful if consumed. No wonder most toothpaste packages warn: "Do Not Ingest!”

This is the same ingredient that coroners use in treating corpses. It is very toxic. Formaldehyde kills the bacteria on your teeth after eating, or while sleeping. In toothpaste, it is in small amounts, but If a large amount of formaldehyde is accidentally ingested, the result could be fatal. Severe formaldehyde ingestion results in jaundice, kidney damage, liver damage, and death.

See that soapy foam that forms while brushing your teeth? That is actually regular detergent. Toothpaste wouldn’t be very satisfying without that soapy feeling. While bubbles may be fun, be careful if you accidentally ingest a large amount of this stuff – swallowing detergent can cause digestive tract burning.

It is seaweed that holds that paste together. Without this green stuff, toothpaste would simply fall apart! Fortunately, seaweed isn’t toxic. In fact, seaweed has a number of nutritional benefits, although ingesting toothpaste to get the nutrients is not obviously practical.

Peppermint Oil
The refreshing minty feel you get during and after brushing your teeth is from peppermint oil. The oil helps you keep fresh breath, but if you consume it, peppermint oil can cause a slow pulse, heartburn, and muscle tremors.

As slick as the petroleum that it is derived from, paraffin creates a smooth paste that oozes onto your toothbrush. Obviously, paraffin wasn’t meant to be eaten. If you happen to swallow paraffin, you will end up with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and severe constipation. 

Glycerin Glycol 
This is a rare ingredient. It is added to toothpaste in order to prevent the paste from becoming too dry. This substance is also used in making antifreeze, that stuff that is spread on engines during winter to prevent them from freezing.   Even though glycerin is not toxic, it may cause nausea if swallowed.

Yeah, there is chalk in toothpaste. It is made from exo-skeletons, and it helps to scrap off stuff sticking to your teeth.  Chalk dust may cause lung problems if inhaled, and swallowing a piece of chalk could cause bleeding.

Titanium Dioxide
Usually found in white paint, it has the same effect on your teeth as it does on walls; it keeps the teeth shiny white, at least for a few hours. Ingesting titanium dioxide won’t hurt you, but it isn’t recommended either.

You wouldn’t want to remain with that terrible detergent taste in your mouth after brushing your teeth. This is where Saccharin comes in. 

Saccharin is sweet, but not too sweet – just sweet enough to counter that detergent taste, and make brushing your teeth a pleasant experience. Initially considered to be unsafe for ingestion, it almost got banned from toothpaste in 1972. But today, it is considered safe. Just imagine using toothpaste that tastes like detergent!  

Menthol is just like mint. It adds a minty flavor to your breath after brushing. Without menthol, toothpaste might taste like, well, chalk, glycerin, paraffin, detergent, titanium dioxide, and seaweed! Menthol is harmless to ingest, and some people like adding it to their tea for flavoring.
