More families in Nyagatare left homeless by heavy rains

NYAGATARE—The number of people left homeless by Wednesday’s heavy downpour has increased to 339 in Rukomo Sector, Nyagatare District, officials confirmed.Initial reports obtained from local leaders had put the figures at 85.However, speaking to The New Times on Thursday, Rukomo Executive Secretary,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

NYAGATARE—The number of people left homeless by Wednesday’s heavy downpour has increased to 339 in Rukomo Sector, Nyagatare District, officials confirmed.

Initial reports obtained from local leaders had put the figures at 85.However, speaking to The New Times on Thursday, Rukomo Executive Secretary,

Emmanuel Hakuzweyezu, said the initial assessment had not covered the entire of the houses were totally destroyed while others seriously ruined by the storm that hit the sector especially in the main trading centre.

He added: "The most affected area was in Gashenyi cell in the sector’s trading centre.”

The local official noted that though authorities in the district were looking for immediate shelter for affected residents, the victims were yet to receive any form of support.

"We have decided to look for classrooms where the affected residents can temporarily be accommodated as we wait for other means,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hakuzweyezu announced that the number of victims who were injured by the destructive rains has also increased from 37 to 41 people. They are admitted at different health centres in the district.
