Meet one of my best friend’s dreadful story she shared with me. Her name is Cherry and the story is about her sister Brandy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Meet one of my best friend’s dreadful story she shared with me. Her name is Cherry and the story is about her sister Brandy.

My younger sister, barely in her 20s, told me that she was HIV+.

Anyone with a close sibling that they really love will understand the kind of pain this news can bring, especially if you don’t really know much about HIV/Aids.

When Brandy tested positive, all I could think about was that my baby sister is going to die.

However, I obviously know that when you’re HIV positive, you can live for years. But no one talks about how you cope with the emotional feelings of living with someone you love being infected.

This week, she sent me a text message to say that she wasn’t feeling well and that she had lost weight drastically. I do not stay with her and so the distance makes it even harder to reach out and try to comfort her.

The other day I heard that one can produce children even when they are HIV positive. I was so happy because it made me realise that Brandy can be a mother too one day, and she’d make a great mother.

I just wish I knew how to get her to realise that she’s still so beautiful and very intelligent. However, she needs to stop blaming herself for carrying the disease. She got infected by a man she trusted and loved so much.

However, I still believe everything happens for a reason and God does have a plan for all of us. Brandy doesn’t see this yet but God cares.
