Companies fundraise Rwf1.5 m for AOCM orphanage

RWANDA Events Management, a local company, on March 8, organised a special charitable concert at Petit Stade - for which all profits will go towards the AOCM orphanage in Byimana, Ruhango.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Singer MC, Lion Imanzi performs at the charitable concert. (Photo by Eugene Mutara).

RWANDA Events Management, a local company, on March 8, organised a special charitable concert at Petit Stade - for which all profits will go towards the AOCM orphanage in Byimana, Ruhango.

Speaking to The New Times, the Marketing Manager of Rwanda Events Management, Mireille Candali, said: "Though the concert was not well attended, we had some money we fundraised during a dinner last month at Lemigo Hotel, and we plan to donate Rwf1.5 m to the orphanage.”

The project was in collaboration with Grand Smart, Rwanda Flora, Contact FM and Ministry of Culture and Sports (MINISPOC).
