Imbuto Foundation: Time to stand up and stand out

Dear Daughters of Rwanda, Today marks a day when we honour the contribution our daughters, mothers, and sisters make to our communities, country and the world.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dear Daughters of Rwanda,

Today marks a day when we honour the contribution our daughters, mothers, and sisters make to our communities, country and the world.

It is a time when we look back with a great sense of fulfilment at how far we have come, and look forward to a time when girls and women all over the world will be treated with respect and valued for their true worth.

Never has there been a more exciting time to be a daughter of Rwanda. We are fortunate that our leadership has understood the need to educate, engage, and empower its girls and women.

Our steadfast commitment to letting the voices of our daughters be heard, shines as a beacon to the outside world.

Now we look to you, precious daughters, to build on and sustain this great work.
As Rwandan girls, this is your time to stand up and stand out.

We want you to shine as bright as the human jewels that you are. We will always be here to guide you; allow us to continue to show you which stones are slippery and which ones are firm, as you grow and move forward on the path to success.

Our dream is for you to soar above the extraordinary. To get there and stay relevant, you are required to access education, training, and benefit from science and technology.

We want to bring out the best in you by nurturing confidence and inspiring excellence. In you, we see the opportunity to transform potential into exceptional performance and we will consistently encourage and reward you for it.

You are on a remarkable journey, leading the way towards a dignified generation. As you do so, strive for commitment, excellence, integrity and solidarity.

We encourage you to join hands with your countrymen and give us a reason to continue to celebrate your achievements as young Rwandans.

From Imbuto Foundation