Nyamasheke constructs 68 houses for the needy

NYAMASHEKE - Nyamasheke residents constructed 68 houses for vulnerable residents in the area as part of celebrations to mark International Women’s Day.  “We are saying no to thatched houses, that’s why on this day, residents in each cell are concentrating on building better houses for the vulnerable,” said Jean Baptiste Habyarimana, the district Mayor.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NYAMASHEKE - Nyamasheke residents constructed 68 houses for vulnerable residents in the area as part of celebrations to mark International Women’s Day. 

"We are saying no to thatched houses, that’s why on this day, residents in each cell are concentrating on building better houses for the vulnerable,” said Jean Baptiste Habyarimana, the district Mayor.

Local residents, the district and a school in the area, have also committed to donate goats and cattle to the vulnerable and pay medical insurance for them.

Meanwhile, last week Rusizi, women constructed more than 20 houses for the poor.

"We aimed at showing how women can be instrumental in fighting Nyakatsi and also implementing good policies for the nation. Achievements of women should be celebrated on Women’s Day, not just the fact that they are women,” said Francoise Nirere, the Rusizi vice Mayor in charge of Social affairs.
