Ngororero nurses trained in HIV treatment

50 nurses in Ngororero District are undergoing training in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and monitoring of patients who receive anti-retro viral drugs.The ten-day training is conducted by the Centre for Treatment and Research on AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other epidemics (Trac plus).

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

50 nurses in Ngororero District are undergoing training in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and monitoring of patients who receive anti-retro viral drugs.

The ten-day training is conducted by the Centre for Treatment and Research on AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other epidemics (Trac plus).

"The course includes modules such as prevention, treatment, follow-up and counselling as well as supply of ARVs,” said Dr. Jean Marie Hakizimana, the training coordinator.

He added that the training helps medical personnel and doctors acquire knowledge and skills to treat and advice people living with the virus.

"Previously, it was only doctors who would prescribe ARVs for patients, but in the new arrangement, the Ministry of Health wants all departments and trained nurses in hospitals and other clinics to do it,” said Elias Bizimana, the supervisor of Ngororero Hospital.

The trainees were selected from 26 health facilities in Ngororero District.

According to available statistics, Ngororero HIV prevalence rate is less than 3 percent with over 4000 people receiving treatment.

Hakizimana believes that with partnership of community health workers, the HIV awareness trickles down to the masses.

"We encourage people to voluntarily test for HIV to know their status and seek counselling on positive living,” added Hakizimana.
