Greetings to Rwanda’s women on the 100th Women’s Day

Editor, This letter is in reference to your article in yesterday issue of The NewTimes entitled “Rwanda joins World media in IWD Centenary Celebration” Please allow me to congratulate the First Lady, Mrs. Jeannette Kagame forher pro-active and enthusiastic support which is always given to various programmes, for the benefit of Rwandan women.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


This letter is in reference to your article in yesterday issue of The NewTimes entitled "Rwanda joins World media in IWD Centenary Celebration” Please allow me to congratulate the First Lady, Mrs. Jeannette Kagame for
her pro-active and enthusiastic support which is always given to various programmes, for the benefit of Rwandan women.

Greetings go out to all the women of this great country, Rwanda , on the 100 year anniversary of International Women’s Day. They have encountered enornmous challenges during and immediately after the Genocide against the Tutsis, but have emerged victorious  under the leadership of dynamic women in both the Government and the private sector.

Women empowerment is actively promoted and that has also helped in the overall development of the country.

Clarence Fernandes
Rwanda Renaissance