Take advantage of new circumcision device

A study conducted by the government on the PrePex male circumcision device was presented recently at a conference on Retriviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, United States. The PrePex System is a new device and method for rapid male circumcision. This method has been proven by studies to be very efficient.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

A study conducted by the government on the PrePex male circumcision device was presented recently at a conference on Retriviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, United States.

The PrePex System is a new device and method for rapid male circumcision. This method has been proven by studies to be very efficient.

Its advantages are many and men, who undergo the procedure, do not have to take days off leave from work to heal.

The new study into the PrePex system comes at a crucial time, when efforts at mass male circumcision as an additional measure for prevention of the transmission of HIV are in high gear.

Some men have been hesitant to undergo circumcision owing to the inconveniences associated with the procedure. Thus this new method should come as a relief that will serve to encourage many to undergo the procedure.

This is yet another important step in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It is important that once formally adopted, vigorous sensitization about the procedure be carried out.

This device therefore, when put to optimum use, in addition to other measures, will help achieve the targets in reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
