Living life: Inspiration

Every human reaches a moment in time when they are ‘down low.’ The medical people especially in the west like to call it a word nobody likes to hear usually, called depression.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Every human reaches a moment in time when they are ‘down low.’ The medical people especially in the west like to call it a word nobody likes to hear usually, called depression.

These moments vary in their causes, provocations, individual temperament and their ‘depth.’ Such a depth would determine whether a simple source of inspiration can be enough to help one emerge from it whether it would require as much as medical intervention.
Sources of inspiration are abounding all around us.

Life in its various forms is one such inspiration in itself. Ever wonder how you wake up from sleep, your body parts intact, your breathing system ok, your brain urging you to do this or that, your eyes – those two interesting balls of black and white that make you aware of everything around you, your feet that carry you around, your internal organs that you have never seen but which work like clockwork to make sure the ‘big man’ – you – is in tip top condition every single day.

Think about the flowers that open towards the sun in the morning and follow it across the sky until sunset. The tiny microscopic animals, good and bad bacteria, the small insects that trouble us or make our lives bearable – like mosquitoes and bees respectively – that do not have a daily program handed down to them but somehow live through their paces without a complaint or a worry.

Or in the plants that breathe, without eyes, legs or teeth – but with roots, leaves and stems.

The world is full of inspiring people. Did you know that a man called Michael Joseph who has overseen a technological feat of introducing mobile banking where phones have become bank accounts worldwide (think mobile money) began his career as a plumber called Michael Joseph? What about Mohammed Yunus, the man who showed the world that those small loans to poor people can change the world?

For some people inspiration comes in the riot of natural colour, others the emotive consequences of romantic love, or extra ordinary events.
Above all, life itself is one big inspiration.

An anonymous writer says that "Life teaches you things that no being can teach you. It gives you experiences, it gives you relations, it teaches you how to tackle with situations that you cannot cater.

It is all about having a life that from which you can learn. I have always been a learner and till my death shall be learning as much as I can and as fast as I can from my Life.”

In the low moments of one’s life, the source of light at the end of the tunnel lies in that same life – your life. If you look deep within you, you will find it. There is no such a thing as ‘losers’. Everybody wins once and loses once. But all these are like commas in the middle of a sentence.

I wish you an inspirational Sunday!