I hate people who…

…continue to throw grenades in our beloved city. I am so angry with these fools I even wrote this paragraph while standing! Why don’t these jokers give us a break? I am talking about the cowards who throw grenades at peaceful civilian targets. Recently the lively town of Nyamirambo witnessed these people’s cowardice. Why kill innocent unarmed people when the country has a strong army that is ready for you?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

…continue to throw grenades in our beloved city.
I am so angry with these fools I even wrote this paragraph while standing! Why don’t these jokers give us a break?

I am talking about the cowards who throw grenades at peaceful civilian targets. Recently the lively town of Nyamirambo witnessed these people’s cowardice. Why kill innocent unarmed people when the country has a strong army that is ready for you?

These people should not be treated with any mercy once caught. They need to know that right now our people are only interested in development and reading this column. My sincere sympathy to all the innocent victims. And of course, my utmost hatred for thugs.

…knowingly spoil people’s happy moments.
I know you must be thinking about the policemen that often close down concerts and parties when the music is considered to have exceeded time and volume limits.

But don’t you also hate these girls who you invite for a date and they choose to bring their (ugly) friend? Some even call all their girlfriends without considering your small pockets. And when you spend time talking to their friend they become angry with you and their friend.

For me the rules are simple, if I call you for a date and I find more than one person, I just cancel and head home to watch Col. Gadaffi on TV. I came for a date not a family gathering. 

…pretend to be employed and make irresponsible suggestions.
 I really thought my hatred for these city idlers was enough for them to change. But now I am forced to hate them even more. I am talking about these guys who pretend that they are calling people to enter taxis and demand to be paid.

I already hated them for that but now I really hate the fact that sometimes they tell passengers the wrong taxi fares.

For a journey of 150 francs, the joker will assure you that you can pay only 100 and when the real taxi conductor is harassing you for the full amount, the joker is not around to back you up. Please, don’t believe these fools, just hate them like I do.

…pretend to be navigators in a taxi.
Sticking with taxis, please, allow me to hate these big-headed know-it-all dimwits who sit in the taxi and assume that they are navigators to the driver.

They go on to give the driver directions on when to go, brake, or even turn. It is these people who slow down Rwanda’s development process. What makes them think that the driver needs their lousy help? This after all is not a rally car that must have a navigator. You need to shut up; after all you are still going to pay like the rest of the passengers?

…are unnecessarily defensive when approached.
Why do some people leave their homes without their brains? The other day an old man was approached by a hawker who was selling a shaving kit.

The boy humbly asked the man whether he would love to buy the machine. Instead of offering a simple yes or no, this old man instead started asking the boy whether he looked like someone who needed to shave.

He even talked about the fact that he had shaved before leaving home. However, all this rubbish talk was unnecessary and besides the beards will surely grow back soon. This man really defies the notion of age being a sign of wisdom since he showed none on that day.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293