On the cover: Grace Simbine Machel

Graça Simbine Machel Mandela was born on October 17, 1945; she is a Mozambican political and social activist for human rights and mostly for children’s rights. She is the widow of the late Mozambican president Samora Machel who died in 1986; she is now married to Nelson Mandela the former South African president.

Saturday, March 05, 2011
Graca Machel

Graça Simbine Machel Mandela was born on October 17, 1945; she is a Mozambican political and social activist for human rights and mostly for children’s rights.

She is the widow of the late Mozambican president Samora Machel who died in 1986; she is now married to Nelson Mandela the former South African president.

She heads the Foundation for Community Development (FDC), a not-for-profit Mozambican organization she founded in 1994.

The FDC makes grants to civil society organizations to strengthen communities, facilitate social and economic justice, and assist in the reconstruction and development of post-war Mozambique.

She received the 1992 Africa Prize, awarded annually to an individual who has contributed to the goal of eliminating hunger in Africa by the year 2000.

In recognition of her outstanding contributions on behalf of refugee children, Graca received the 1995 Nansen Medal from the United Nations and the 1997 Global Citizen Award of the New England Circle.

In 1998, she was one of the two winners of the North-South Prize. This prize is awarded annually by the Council of Europe to two individuals who have shown both achievement and hope for the future in relation to human rights

Graca is much loved in her home country and increasingly gaining world recognition. She has focused on the issues most critical to her home country, issues of development and particularly women’s and children’s rights, and she has widened her scope to effect change worldwide. Graca has already created a substantial legacy and her work continues.
