Use smart approach, Mutsindashyaka tells RPF members

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — The Eastern Provincial Chairman of the ruling party-Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), Théoneste Mutsindashyaka, has called on party members to employ ‘smart approach’ in party matters this year.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


RWAMAGANA — The Eastern Provincial Chairman of the ruling party-Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), Théoneste Mutsindashyaka, has called on party members to employ ‘smart approach’ in party matters this year.

"Smart approach involves few words, it shows steps taken which are more especially demonstrated by figures,” he told party members at a meeting at Avega center last weekend.

The meeting was meant to review last year’s achievements and to set strategies for the year 2008. He called on members to always pay their pledges in time to facilitate the smooth running of party activities.

He said RPF as a ruling party, is determined to set a system beneficial not only to present generation, but also a system that will help "our grand children.”

Mutsindashyaka said he had put in place a ‘unique’ provincial youth council, which will streamline development among the youths in the province.

Charles Nkubiri, the party Provincial Coordinator, highlighted participation of party carders in sensitising residents against genocide ideology, resettling Rwandan returnees from Tanzania, encouraging Rwandans to embrace economic revolution and facilitating Gacaca proceedings as some of the party achievements last year.

Nkubiri also presented the party’s strategies for 2008 which were debated, and finally adopted. Members resolved to recruit more members, to participate in the fourth coming elections of MPs scheduled for August, to build RPF provincial offices, and follow up on the land re-distribution exercise in the Province.

Other resolutions included, to step up a campaign against genocide ideology, to foster unity and reconciliation among citizens, strengthen fight against HIV/AIDS, and fight corruption among others.

Soline Nyirahabimana, the minister in the President’s Office, who was the chief guest, urged party members to sensitise Rwandans to exploit the available security in the country, to work hard for development.

Citing an example of Singapore, Nyirahabimana said that Singapore by 1960s had not reached the development stage at which Rwanda is currently, though is among the developed countries today.

Small as it is, with about 700 total square kilometers, almost the size of Rwamagana district, Singapore has a per capita income of $28,700, she said, adding that the people of Singapore developed a guiding motto, "No one owes me a living” as a guiding principle.

She challenged Rwandans to learn from such experience and utilise the available resources to develop the nation. Also speaking at the meeting was the state minister for environment, Patricia Hajabakiga, who also serves as a party commissioner for Eastern Province.

She called on members from all districts to emulate Bugesera district and grow enough trees saying, protecting the environment must be part of RPF’s daily agenda.

She revealed that because of the efforts directed towards protecting the environment, Rwanda will soon benefit from the carbon credit facility, under the Millennium Development Goals.

During the same meeting, members elected leaders to head two new party positions for the Province. Paul Rwangarinde was elected as president of the disciplinary committee, while Alex Nyirigambi was elected as the head of the supervisory committee.
