Yes, leaders must put national interests first

Editor, I keenly followed stories in the media, about the 8th Leadership Retreat that ended yesterday in Rubavu district and I was impressed by President Paul Kagame’s statement, arguing leaders to always put national interests first.The President was straightforward. Leaders at all levels must learn from him and serve the people first.

Saturday, March 05, 2011


I keenly followed stories in the media, about the 8th Leadership Retreat that ended yesterday in Rubavu district and I was impressed by President Paul Kagame’s statement, arguing leaders to always put national interests first.

The President was straightforward. Leaders at all levels must learn from him and serve the people first.

Some leaders once elected into office, abandon their voters and serve their personal interests or misuse public funds.  I am happy such people have been fired or ended up in court.
It is the moral duty of any responsible leader to serve the interests of those who voted them into office.

The President has indeed been at the forefront of the war against corruption and other ills in our society and leaders must follow his example..
He has shown zero tolerance for corruption.

The message is clear to every leader that nobody will be spared once it’s proved that they embezzled public funds for personal enrichment.

The retreat is a good chance and another indication of democracy, whereby leaders in various public sectors get a chance to explain what is happening in their domains and get advice where need be.

As we aim at hitting our targets by 2020, every leader should work hard, put the country first, and involve their electorate into development plans. This can be achieved only if leaders adhere to the leadership ethical code of conduct.

Paschal Ntaganzwa