Put in place safe measures while demolishing schools

Editor,In yesterday’s issue of The NewTimes, the story titled “School demolished while children are in class” was very disturbing. The decision to demolish the school while the children are in the classrooms was unprofessional and dangerous.

Saturday, March 05, 2011
Pupils of Kigali Starlight School left in cold after their school was demolished on Wednesday (File Photo)


In yesterday’s issue of The NewTimes, the story titled "School demolished while children are in class” was very disturbing.

The decision to demolish the school while the children are in the classrooms was unprofessional and dangerous.

I am so worried about the lawlessness that some of our leaders have degenerated to. I am still wondering whether the person who ordered the demolition of that school-did it in compliance with  the law.

Even if the school authorities had disregarded a warning from area leaders, there is no justification to demolish a school when kids are inside studying.

Secondly, where was the Executive Secretary and other area leaders when this school was being constructed? Why didn’t they stop the construction at the foundation level?

I think it would be a great idea if the authorities responsible setup rules and regulations that govern the demolition of houses or schools.

I am a law-abiding citizen but I don’t want my own child treated that way.

Moses Nkuranga
Kimironko, Kigali