Plant trees to curb deforestation

Dear Editor, The rate at which forests/trees in Rwanda are being cut down for firewood and furniture is alarming. The pace is so high that the trees planted annually cannot cope up with the demand of wood.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dear Editor,

The rate at which forests/trees in Rwanda are being cut down for firewood and furniture is alarming. The pace is so high that the trees planted annually cannot cope up with the demand of wood.

This act may be blamed on schools and factories which use a lot of firewood on a daily basis. This has to come to an end because climate change is worrying the whole world and I would not want to see Rwanda fall victim of circumstance just because she did not take heed.

There are alternative methods of cooking without having to use fire wood; use of bio gas is one of them. However, I also urge leaders at all levels to sensitise the population to plant trees and use energy saving cook stoves in order to protect the environment. 

The population should be sensitised on formation of tree seeds in cooperatives. It is also importance to plant trees in crop gardens so as to maximise land use and to protect running water from destroying roads.

Tree planting must begin from people’s homes. Let all Rwandans plant trees before climate change greatly affects us.
