Police officer cleared of rape charges

KARONGI - A police officer in Rutsiro District who was last month charged with rape has been acquitted of the charges. Gaspard Rwegeranya, was set free after DNA tests taken to verify the accusations turned out to be negative.

Friday, March 04, 2011
INNOCENT; Former Intelligence Officer (IO), Gaspard Rwegeranya (C) was acquitted of rape charges (Photo: S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI - A police officer in Rutsiro District who was last month charged with rape has been acquitted of the charges.

Gaspard Rwegeranya, was set free after DNA tests taken to verify the accusations turned out to be negative.

Upon acquittal by the Karongi Intermediate Court, Rwegeranya could not hide his excitement and satisfaction.

"I am very happy that the truth has finally been exposed after a very hard struggle. I always knew it was because of my role in discovering the misuse of public funds,” he said.
 "I spent more than a month in jail over false accusations and now am glad to be free.”

During the trial, Rwegeranya repeatedly denied the accusations, arguing he was being framed because of unearthing a corruption scandal involving top district officials, including former Mayor Jean Ndimubahire.

Embattled Ndimubahire is accused of conniving with the former district official in charge of youth, Jean Pierre Nsabimana, to swindle money.
