Burglars on the rise

Dear Editor, The increased number of thieves in Kigali City is alarming.I have heard many stories of robbery from friends who reside in different parts of Kigali and city suburbs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dear Editor,

The increased number of thieves in Kigali City is alarming.
I have heard many stories of robbery from friends who reside in different parts of Kigali and city suburbs.

I think the police have let the grass grow under its feet, and they will find it hard to trim or slash it when they wake up.

Robbery can only be eradicated, just like any habit, it can be addictive; therefore early control is the ultimate solution.

I am not trying to say that the police are doing totally nothing, but the fact is that crimes are on the increase. Let all Rwandans help police to arrest bandits.
