Accessing books at KIST, KIE a nightmare

Dear Editor, Allow me to express my dissatisfaction about library policies at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) Universities.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dear Editor,

Allow me to express my dissatisfaction about library policies at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) Universities.

I am a student at UNILAK, sponsored by government but I don’t know why I am not allowed to do research from these institutes. Last year, I went to KIST to borrow some books to enable me complete my dissertation.

KIST was my starting point. When I approached a Librarian, I was told to write an application letter to the Library director, attach two passport size photographs and photocopy of my ID card.

A week after, I went to find out about the fate of my application, only to receive news that my application had been rejected on grounds of not being a student in the technological field.

I pleaded with the Librarian but in vain. After several weeks, I tried KIE for the same reasons and my application was rejected as well. In fact, I was barred from entering the main gate by security officer, who greatly humiliated me.

This decree is neither in School of Finance and Banking nor in Rwanda National University, what is wrong with Professor Chrisologue and Mudidi?

These books you are guarding jealously were stocked using tax payer’s money. So, let the university students freely use them. 
