Let us help police arrest all grenade attackers

Editor,I address this letter to the Rwandan people. We must denounce the ongoing criminal acts of terrorists who are throwing grenades.  On Tuesday night, a grenade was hurled on a passenger minibus parked on Kimisagara Road, Nyakabanda sector in Nyarugenege District, Kigali City, injuring 10 innocent people.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I address this letter to the Rwandan people. We must denounce the ongoing criminal acts of terrorists who are throwing grenades. 

On Tuesday night, a grenade was hurled on a passenger minibus parked on Kimisagara Road, Nyakabanda sector in Nyarugenege District, Kigali City, injuring 10 innocent people.

Why should our sons  and daughters suffer? Is there justification  whatsoever to continue killing innocent Rwandans.  Though the police and other security organs have done well by arresting the culprits, fighting such crimes is a community responsibility too.

Like the police said, let us stand firm, constantly vigilant and expose the network of this criminal group.

We must also help the victims of this barbaric act by providing immediate medical assistance.

I am not surprised that the suspects arrested are linked to the criminal network of FDLR and the Kayumba Nyamwasa and Patrick Karegyeya renegade group.

Nyamwasa and his group are failures and will never achieve their criminal mission in today’s Rwanda.

Ivan Mugisha