Airport’s access control delaying vehicle traffic

Editor, I wish to bring to your attention a disturbing development with the new electronic access control system being installed at Kigali Airport. It has become a complete bottleneck to the flow of traffic, especially out of the facility.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I wish to bring to your attention a disturbing development with the new electronic access control system being installed at Kigali Airport.

It has become a complete bottleneck to the flow of traffic, especially out of the facility.

Whereas it is official that vehicles in Rwanda are supposed to have their steering wheels on the left side of the vehicle ( to be driven the right side of the road), you will agree with me that about half of the vehicles on the Rwandan roads have their steering wheel on the right side.

With that in mind, I wonder whether the project manager of the access control system has tried to observe how drivers of right hand drive vehicles are having problems accessing the entry ticket, especially when they drive into the airport alone?

Why don't you just have the ticket dispensing booths installed on both sides of the entrance? I wonder what will happen when the system is fully operational and one has to exit using the electronic ticket. It is already turning into a nightmare leaving the airport !

Please solve the problem of free flow traffic instead of creating a bigger headache especially for regular users of the facility.

Yesterday, I dropped someone off at the facility and took 25 minutes to exit!