Serve the people’s interests – Kagame tells leaders

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday, called upon leaders to promote the country and people’s interests before their own. The Head of State made the observation while officiating at the swearing in ceremony of Kigali City’s new leadership. Fidele Ndayisaba the winner of the City Mayoral seat, was sworn at the ceremony, along with the two vice mayors, Alphonse Nizeyimana in charge of finance and economic development and Hope Tumukunde Gasatura, in charge of Social Affairs.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday, called upon leaders to promote the country and people’s interests before their own.

The Head of State made the observation while officiating at the swearing in ceremony of Kigali City’s new leadership.

Fidele Ndayisaba the winner of the City Mayoral seat, was sworn at the ceremony, along with the two vice mayors, Alphonse Nizeyimana in charge of finance and economic development and Hope Tumukunde Gasatura, in charge of Social Affairs.

President Kagame commended the outgoing City administration for a job well done, adding that they put a foundation in place, on which the new leadership will build.

The President noted that a lot of progress has been registered, on all fronts in the city, just like in other parts of the country, and the new challenge for the new leaders is to ensure that the progress doesn’t slacken.

The Head of State urged the new leaders to work hard to sustain, and to improve the achievements registered in the health and education sectors, infrastructure development as well as maintain the peace and security in the City.

He urged the new leaders to work closely with the people, as well as leaders at other levels, noting that good leaders complement each other.  The President added that the role of every individual in the decision making process is important for the country to continue moving forward.

President Kagame reminded Kigali’s new leadership that there is no room for complacency, pointing out that, though a lot has been achieved, bigger challenges lay ahead.

Kagame urged the new Mayors to get closer to the electorate, listen to the problems of masses and help address them.

The President cautioned the new leaders against self-importance, reminding them that once leaders get obsessed with their own importance, they cease to serve the interests of the people.

He noted that most Rwandans today, have learnt from the country’s dark past and developed the will, determination and commitment to face their challenges head-on. The leaders, Kagame said, have the responsibility to guide the determined population.

The President noted that hard work will enable the country’s economy maintain the tempo of progress and achieve the development goals.

Kagame said that the nation is on the right path but reminded that there are certain elements who would wish to derail the progress, and the Rwandan people will not accept that.

Ndayisaba vowed to work hard to achieve the City’s development goals in the next 7 years.

"I know that there is a big task ahead and this job is not about relaxing. I am ready to work hard with our people to achieve what we want to, and make Kigali City the pride of the country,” Ndayisaba said.

He vowed to improve the existing peace and security, maintain a cleaner and healthier city and foster good relations with other cities. Ndayisaba promised to maintain a corruption-free city, ensure transparency and involve the people in the decision making process.

The Local Government, Minister James Musoni, noted that the government’s decentralisation policy, started in 2000, has paid off with the population now choosing their own leaders.
