One Dollar campaign bearing fruit

Editor, Many a time, one wishes to say a prayer to GOD, and bow down, I say a prayer for the Genocide orphans in Rwanda and the families they lost. I read in yesterday’s issue of The New Times and I was very excited to learn that the first phase of One Dollar program which comprises a four –storied hostel to accommodate about 200 orphans will be completed by Decemeber this year.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
One Dollar Complex under construction (File Photo)


Many a time, one wishes to say a prayer to GOD, and bow down, I say a prayer for the Genocide orphans in Rwanda and the families they lost.

I read in yesterday’s issue of The New Times and I was very excited to learn that the first phase of One Dollar program which comprises a four –storied hostel to accommodate about 200 orphans will be completed by Decemeber this year.

I wish you could see the smile on my face, but as of today, I will include the city business man, Egide Gatera who donated his land to the orphans. May GOD bless him and his family. It is only people with such a big heart that could do what he did.

That alone is a sign that there are good people still in this World. Though we will forgive, the World should not try to forget what happened. The people who committed the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi are still at large.

Others are still hiding in several countries and Rwanda’s efforts to have them deported to face justice have been blocked many times. This is very sad and must stop.

Abdi Nasser Ali
Sogerep aviation