Japanese Embassy donates over Frw50m to Shyira Hospital

The Japanese Embassy in Rwanda has donated $95,862 (approx Rwf56.5) to Shyira Hospital of Nyabihu District in the Western Province. The ceremony to hand over the donation took place yesterday at the Embassy in Kacyiru between the Japanese Ambassador, Kunio Hatanaka, and the Director of Shyira Hospital, Dr Caleb King.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Japanese Ambassador to Rwanda Kunio Hatanaka (L) together with Dr Caleb King, the Director of Shyira hospital after signing the agreement.(Photo S Mugisha)

The Japanese Embassy in Rwanda has donated $95,862 (approx Rwf56.5) to Shyira Hospital of Nyabihu District in the Western Province.

The ceremony to hand over the donation took place yesterday at the Embassy in Kacyiru between the Japanese Ambassador, Kunio Hatanaka, and the Director of Shyira Hospital, Dr Caleb King.

Speaking to The New Times shortly after the function, Hatanaka said that the grant will be extended to the hospital through Japanese Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP).

The envoy added that GGP generally target non-profit organizations and has been part of Japan’s cooperation policy since 1989.

He added that since 1989, the government of Japan has extended over Rwf3bn through GGP for various grassroots projects in Rwanda.

"This grant is in line with the work we do with the Rwandan government to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the health sector,” Hatanaka said.

The money will be used for the installation of 16 solar panels at the hospital capable of generating 32,000W as well as 3 solar-powered refrigerators for storing vaccines.

"The donation will help us to bring the hospital into the 21 century by getting enough access to electricity” said King.

He noted that due to lack of electricity, some activities of the hospital had been greatly hampered, including vaccination and performing operations.
He said that the installation of the solar panels will be completed in a few months.

According to King, Shyira Hospital serves Nyabihu District’s population of approximately 32,000 with 15 health centres in its catchment areas.
