Man arrested for stealing $40,000 in Uganda

Police have arrested a man for allegedly stealing $40,000 (approx Rwf 23.8m) from a Ugandan businessman in Kampala. Aimable Mutebutsi, in his late 20s, was arrested, on Sunday, at Rusumo border on his way from Tanzania.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Aimable Mutebutsi at Kaciru Police station (Photo T.Kisambira)

Police have arrested a man for allegedly stealing $40,000 (approx Rwf 23.8m) from a Ugandan businessman in Kampala. Aimable Mutebutsi, in his late 20s, was arrested, on Sunday, at Rusumo border on his way from Tanzania.

Mutebutsi is said to have stolen the money from the home of George William Kanagiza, the owner of Kibungo Coaches on February 5, in Kampala.

Chief Supt. Tony Kulamba, the head of Interpol- Rwanda, said that Mutebutsi’s arrest followed a notice from their counterparts in Uganda, issued on February 16, after it was confirmed that he had crossed to Rwanda.

Kulamba explained that the police had recovered a vehicle, a Toyota Carina, registration No RAB 891M which Mutebutsi had bought with part of the stolen money.

Police also recovered the suspect’s account in Banque Populaire in which $10,500 was deposited.
At the time of his arrest, he was found with Rwf68,000 and $200.

Kanagiza told The New Times that he had employed Mutebutsi after he got him on Kampala streets.

"I knew him on Kampala streets where he was frying fish to earn a living. When his job was no more, he came to me for help. I offered him a job as my trusted house help paying him Shs100,000 monthly,” Kanagiza said.

He added that when he (Kanagiza) left Mutebutsi at home on the fateful day, the latter entered in his bedroom and picked the $40,000 which he intended to use to buy a house.

"I informed the Ugandan police who later notified their Rwandan counterparts,” said Kanagiza

He thanked the Rwandan police for its commitment in apprehending such criminals.
