New RRA Commissioner General takes office

KIGALI - The new Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Ben Kagarama, yesterday, officially assumed office, replacing Mary Baine who has been heading the tax body for the last five years.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Outgoing RRA boss Mary Baine with Finance PS Kampeta Sayinzoga and new RRA chief Ben Kagarama after the handover (courtsey photo)

KIGALI - The new Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Ben Kagarama, yesterday, officially assumed office, replacing Mary Baine who has been heading the tax body for the last five years.

The handover ceremony witnessed by Kampeta Sayinzoga, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, was held at RRA headquarters in Kimihurura.

Kagarama was in charge of large taxpayers in RRA before he was elevated by the Cabinet last month to head the institution for the next five years.

The Commissioner General in RRA has a five-year contract which is only renewable once.

Baine, who was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Permanent Secretary, observed that RRA achieved much during her term.

She said that tax revenues increased from Rwf 186 billion in 2005, when she joined RRA, to Rwf 458 billion projected for the 2010/2011 financial year.

Baine added that the tax body exceeded its revenue target by 16.8 percent in the first quarter of this year.

"One of RRA goals is to have a country which does not depend on foreign aid,” Baine noted, calling on all employees to give the new tax body chief full support.
Kagarama, who observed that he had inherited a strong institution, promised continuity of its development.

Kampeta, who is also the Acting RRA Board Chairperson, appealed to RRA staff members to be loyal to the institution to realize its goals, especially in its modernization reforms.
