Police arrest man for hacking cell leader

GICUMBI - Byumba Police are holding a man said to have attacked Musenyi Cell executive secretary.Fabien Ntivuguruzwa, 39, a resident of Musenyi in Mutete Sector, allegedly cut Theophile Nkurikiyingoma several times on the head, last Saturday, over an alleged property dispute.

Monday, February 28, 2011
Ntivuguruzwa at Byumba Police Station on Monday. Photo A.Gahene

GICUMBI - Byumba Police are holding a man said to have attacked Musenyi Cell executive secretary.

Fabien Ntivuguruzwa, 39, a resident of Musenyi in Mutete Sector, allegedly cut Theophile Nkurikiyingoma several times on the head, last Saturday, over an alleged property dispute.

Police sources say the suspect accused the cell leader of enforcing local authorities order to share his late parent’s land with his two elder sisters.

"When the cell local authorities came to divide the land among the three, Ntivuguruzwa refused to allow them to execute the order,” said the Police source.

The cell leader was then assaulted by the accused when the cell leader, along with  area local defence personnel, attempted to arrest the accused.

While talking to  The New Times at Byumba Police station, Ntivuguruzwa regretted the incident, claiming he committed the crime out of anger.

He explained that he was against the enforcement order by the local authorities  as the other three family members were not present.

"My late parents left behind six children, who are all entitled to this piece of land. As the custodian of the property, I felt it was unfair to divide the land among us without considering their portions.”
