Gikomero residents in voluntary HIV test

KIGALI - More than 100 residents of Gikomero sector, Gasabo District, yesterday, voluntarily tested for HIV/AIDS in a campaign organised by SWAA-Rwanda-IHUMURE.

Monday, February 28, 2011
A young man voluntarily tests for HIV at Gikomero Health Centre. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - More than 100 residents of Gikomero sector, Gasabo District, yesterday, voluntarily tested for HIV/AIDS in a campaign organised by SWAA-Rwanda-IHUMURE.

SWAA-Rwanda (Society for Women Against AIDS in Africa) was created in 1992 by women involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Addressing the residents who had turned up at the Gikomero football pitch, Shamsi Kazimbaya, the Executive Secretary of the organisation said that they are committed to eradicating HIV/AIDS in the country.

"It is vital for a person to know their HIV/AIDS status when it’s still early,” she said.

Kazimbaya noted that, Gikomero sector has been holding seminars on Aids prevention and family planning methods, in addition to the distribution of condoms.

She reiterated the need to stop the spread of the virus through adopting the recommended protective measures, including the use of condoms.

Pierre Celestin Kajugiro, the Sector Councillor, hailed the residents for turning out in large numbers and advised them to continue testing for HIV.

During the event, the residents were shown how to use condoms. Chantal Musaningabire, one of the residents said that it was initially difficult to overcome the fear of HIV testing.

"I am so happy to know my status. I had feared to test for the virus. I call upon the public to engage in voluntary testing, it helps in preventing further spread of AIDS,” she noted.
