Animal attack victims will be compensated-Governor

Kayonza-The Governor of Eastern Province, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, has said residents of Kayonza District whose crops get destroyed by animals from Akagera National Park, will be compensated.Stray animals from the Park kill and destroy crops and animals of people living within the boundaries of Akagera National Park.

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Governor Aisa Kirabo Kacyira joins Karambi village residents in a traditional dance (Photo S. Rwembeho)

Kayonza-The Governor of Eastern Province, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, has said residents of Kayonza District whose crops get destroyed by animals from Akagera National Park, will be compensated.

Stray animals from the Park kill and destroy crops and animals of people living within the boundaries of Akagera National Park.

The Governor revealed this, yesterday, while addressing hundreds of residents of Murundi Sector in Kayonza District.

"The long standing issue of Park animals, is about to be was discussed at all levels. Very soon, victims will start to get compensation, so no more worries,” she assured the people.

The Governor, who was touring rural Eastern Province for the first time, advised the residents to plant drought resistant crops.

She said that people severely affected by drought will be compensated, but a long lasting food security program must be forged.

"Apart from animals that destroy crops, we need to engage ourselves in sustainable crop production. Agriculture must be given the importance it deserves, so that poverty is no more”.

Lawmaker Theoneste Safari, who accompanied the Governor, said that the district is planning further development projects.

He said that the potentials of the district should be exploited maximally for the benefit of the people.

"We passed a law to protect farmers against park is in the final stages. This is a rich district that needs organised development programs that we wil start very soon,” he said.

John Mugabo, the newly elected Mayor of Kayonza District, requested grassroot leaders to spearhead the way out of poverty.

"We were recently elected by the people...we have to serve them diligently or vacate our posts within a very short time. Ours is a do or die kind of situation. I thus urge all my colleagues to be vigilant,” he said.
