Rains destroy 56 homes in Gicumbi

GICUMBI-  More than 50 families were left homeless in Gicumbi District after heavy rains and strong winds blew away their roofs.In Nyankenke Sector, Kigogo cell alone, 34 houses were affected. “We intend to carry out community work on Saturday, to roof the houses of the affected residents,” said Nyankenke Sector executive secretary Jean d’Amour Bakomera.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Some of the houses destroyed by the rains at Unity and Reconciliation village on Thursday.photo by A.Gahene

GICUMBI-  More than 50 families were left homeless in Gicumbi District after heavy rains and strong winds blew away their roofs.

In Nyankenke Sector, Kigogo cell alone, 34 houses were affected.
"We intend to carry out community work on Saturday, to roof the houses of the affected residents,” said Nyankenke Sector executive secretary Jean d’Amour Bakomera.
In Byumba Sector, the rain blew off roofs of 17 houses in the Unity and Reconciliation village.

"I slept in the kitchen with my three children, as the entire roof of our house was blown away by strong winds,” Jeanne Mukamana, said.

The head of the Unity and Reconciliation village, Gad Sebagabo, said the village is located on a hilltop with no trees, which make them vulnerable to strong winds.
"Our next step is to promote tree planting in the entire village to avoid such calamities in future,” said Sebagabo.  

Byumba Executive Secretary, Jean Marie Gahano, said that the residents will be mobilized to carry out community work today, to help roof the destroyed houses in the sector.
In Miyove Sector, the storm blew the roofs of five commercial buildings at the trading centre, leaving shopkeepers in the open.
