Lesson from grenade attacks

Editor,I wish to thank the Office of the Prosecutor General for the ongoing Prosecution of the 29 suspects arrested in connection with a series of grenade attacks in various parts of the country.

Friday, February 25, 2011


I wish to thank the Office of the Prosecutor General for the ongoing Prosecution of the 29 suspects arrested in connection with a series of grenade attacks in various parts of the country.

Several Rwandans lost lives during the grenade attacks and whoever is found to have  been involved in this criminal act must answer. Rwanda has had a turbulent history and nobody should be allowed to destabilize our country again.

I urge fellow Rwandans to stand firm and fight these terrorists and their allies like Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) group, exiled fugitives Kayumba Nyamwasa and Patrick Karegyeya.

Eugene Rulisa