A’level results out

KIGALI- Gakenke district tops The highly awaited A’level results were yesterday released by the State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu.The Southern Province emerged the best performer followed by the Eastern Province. The general performance in the 2010 national exams shows a slight decline compared to the previous year. 87.2 percent of the total candidates passed the exams compared to 88.5 percent in 2009.

Friday, February 25, 2011
State Minister for primary and Secondary Education, Mathias Harebamungu, (L) with RNEC Executive Secretary, John Rutayisire, after releasing the results yesterday (Photo: J Mbanda)

KIGALI- Gakenke district tops The highly awaited A’level results were yesterday released by the State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu.

The Southern Province emerged the best performer followed by the Eastern Province. The general performance in the 2010 national exams shows a slight decline compared to the previous year. 87.2 percent of the total candidates passed the exams compared to 88.5 percent in 2009.

The total number of students who sat for A’levels is 49,133, among these, 53.5 percent were

Results also show that 48.3 percent of those who passed were male 39 comprised of female.

Speaking at the examination council’s head offices in Remera, Harebamungu said that the slight
decline in the performance is, partly, because all students sat for the exams in English, yet
some had a French background.

Best science students
1.Aline Umuhire Juru - G.S.O Butare,
2. Patrick Nshuti - Petit Seminaire Ndera,
3. Gisele Shema - Lycee Notre Dame de Citeaux
4. Edouard Niyonsaba - E.SC Musanze.
5. Jean Claude Ntawiha - Lycee de Kigali
6. Ferdinand Niyonyungu - G.S Shyogwe,
7. Justus Karenzi - Lycee de Kigali
8. Fabrice Ntimugura - E.SC Byimana.

All scored ‘A’.

Best Schools
1. G.S Janja,
2. Lycee de Rusatira,
3. E.S Kigoma, E.S Rukozo,
4. E.S Cyabingo,
5. Institut Don Bosco Kabarondo,
6. College de Karambi
7. G.S Mutura
8. Cornerstone Leadership Academy
9. P.S ST Jean Nkumba
10. G.S Rulindo,
11. College de Rushaki
12. E.S Mukingi.
