EU delegation tours Gicumbi water projects

GICUMBI- A delegation from the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC), together with officials of the European Union (EU), yesterday toured water projects in Rukomo and Nyamiyaga sectors. They were led by the EU head of delegation, Michel Arrion, and toured Nyamabuye clean water source in Rukomo Sector and the water filtering site and pump, located in Nyamiyaga Sector.

Friday, February 25, 2011

GICUMBI- A delegation from the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC), together with officials of
the European Union (EU), yesterday toured water projects in Rukomo and Nyamiyaga sectors.

They were led by the EU head of delegation, Michel Arrion, and toured Nyamabuye clean water
source in Rukomo Sector and the water filtering site and pump, located in Nyamiyaga Sector.

The water project is being implemented by Italian International organization, MLFM in
partnership with AVSI, with funding from EU. 

"I am impressed the water project shall benefit many residents of this place, upon completion,” said Arrion.

MLFM Country Director, Eddardo Chiappa said clean water will be pumped into a water tank,
located in Nyinawimana Catholic Parish to serve neighbouring residents, schools and health

"The tank will accommodate 100,000 litres of clean water, which will serve residents of
Nyamiyaga and Rukomo sectors, Cyuru High School and Munyinya Health Centre,” said Chiappa. 

AVSI programme coordinator, Guido Calvi, said their organization works in partnership with the
Italians to sensitize residents in protecting water sources. 

"We are engaged in tree planting campaign in various sectors to preserve the water sources and
protect the environment,” said Calvi.
