Residents complain over uncompleted water tunnel

GICUMBI- Residents of Rwasama village, Gicumbi district want work on Byumba taxi park water tunnel to be fully completed within the shortest time possible. The construction of the tunnel was abandoned by the contractor, ETRABAG Company, midway reportedly due to financial constraints.

Friday, February 25, 2011
The flood water tunnel abandoned midway posess a threat to residentsu2019 houses. (photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI- Residents of Rwasama village, Gicumbi district want work on Byumba taxi park water tunnel to be fully completed within the shortest time possible.

The construction of the tunnel was abandoned by the contractor, ETRABAG Company, midway reportedly due to financial constraints.

Speaking to The New Times on Thursday, a resident Theoneste Uwintije, whose house directly faces the end of the water tunnel, said his family and property face risk of being swept away by floods should such a phenomenon occur.

Another resident, Francois Nkubili, whose house is next to the water tunnel said: "ETRABAG the contractors  had promised to extend the tunnel to a much safer area from residential houses.”

Byumba Sector officer in-charge of social affairs, Phanuel Nzitabakuze said he had reported the issue to the district authorities, but nothing has so far been done.

"My concern is the security threat posed by this incomplete flood water tunnel to Rwasama village residents,” lamented Nzitabakuze.

The Gicumbi District director of infrastructure development, Musa Nzabandora says the budget funds earmarked for the construction of the water tunnel had been exhausted, living work midway.

"More money would urgently be allocated to extend the water tunnel, to a much safer place. But this will depend on the availability of funds,” said Nzabandora.

He added that the district was yet to clear the contractor’s outstanding dues.

Asked if the same contractor would be allowed to complete the project , Nzabandora said "if the total budget earmarked for the tunnel’s extension would go beyond the 20 percent threshold then definitely , the tender would be advertised afresh.”

Last year, running water from Byumba market and the taxi park destroyed crops and swept houses in Rwasama village, prompting district authorities to construct the water tunnel.
