Society Debate: Do men spend so much to impress women?

Stingy doesn’t fit the man  A superstore for free-spirited spending husbands and boyfriends would be an answer to thousands of women woos. Gone are the days when men’s income was ‘bill money’ while women’s was ‘fun money.’ Men have come close to not spending a cent on their women!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stingy doesn’t fit the man

A superstore for free-spirited spending husbands and boyfriends would be an answer to thousands of women woos. Gone are the days when men’s income was ‘bill money’ while women’s was ‘fun money.’ Men have come close to not spending a cent on their women!

"Think of it this way. A good looking girl has a pretty good chance of picking up any guy she wants,” says Andrew Rukundo, a Banker.

Just like Rukundo believes, a good number of men prefer to spend on their looks, than pimping up ladies, with no guarantee of keeping them up—good men learnt the hard way.

After sponsoring their girl-friends education, funding routine hair-does, providing luxurious rides, to no positive returns, men are fed up with spending on women. Good girls end up suffering the consequences of the bad exes.

However, men often underrate what women ask of them. He sees no reason in a woman having 10 pairs of shoes; afterall they serve the same purpose. Yet, he will spend on the latest electronics, gadgets and cars. He buys items for his personal pleasure only to explain that women products are so cheap! He forgets that she dresses to impress him.

As they trim their costs on women, men will shamelessly take orders at the restaurant, without women’s approval! He will order for cheap beef-brochette yet her heart aches for roasted chicken! Or he will take her out and ask, "Which Fanta will you drink with your half-chips?” Ironic.

Skewed, lazy-bones target women with happy wallets! Women become bread winners as their men chill at home. When will such a man ever think of spending a single penny on his wife anyway? It is true that men often move in with girlfriends only to practice their wanton and glutton pleasures, without spending a dime on them. Such men should simply be kicked hard on their behinds.

Today, men’s fragile egos leave them no option but to spend on themselves. For example, being a temp will not stop him from spending on soccer, taking the boys out or even drinking on a daily basis. This makes him a big-time spender, on himself and boys, not his woman or family.

The general factor that women also make good money is a sweet savior for stingy mean men. Why plead for something she can afford? Why shouldn’t Miss Independent feel good when she is pampered by the man she loves?

In a nutshell, thousands of factors show that men spend less or don’t even spend on their women. Men who can’t spend a penny, need I remind you that your relationship is doomed to fail? Before you ask for change for every little purchase, just get ready for a good-bye kiss.

Stingy is the wrong word for this generation.