Indecisive leaders delay development

Dear Editor, Allow me to side with the Mayor of Kigali City who recently rebuked leaders who sit and wait for instructions from their superiors in order to execute duties assigned to them.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dear Editor,

Allow me to side with the Mayor of Kigali City who recently rebuked leaders who sit and wait for instructions from their superiors in order to execute duties assigned to them.

It is surprising that some leaders wait for permission from their immediate bosses before they carry out their duties, knowing too well that any delays have regrettable effects. The tendency to postpone duties brings about unnecessary bureaucracy. It is in such light the public is afraid to put confidence in leaders who cannot for once make ultimate decisions.

Leaders should be firm and a source of inspiration to the people. They should also have the capacity to effectively mobilise people to do community work. Focus should be put on efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery to the community.

If Rwanda is to realise its 2020 Vision, then leaders have to think and think fast, leave alone acting promptly.