Teenagers and spending money

If there are beings on earth who love to touch money, it’s the teens. These guys wish to have money and get everything fancy that comes their way. Besides the latest fashion, they love shopping expensive gadgets like phones, laptops, and iPods.

Friday, February 25, 2011

If there are beings on earth who love to touch money, it’s the teens.

These guys wish to have money and get everything fancy that comes their way. Besides the latest fashion, they love shopping expensive gadgets like phones, laptops, and iPods.

Several parents give their teen sons and daughters money but never know how and what these chaps spend their money on. Eric comes back with a phone home and you don’t know where he got it. It’s probably the money you have been giving him.

The boys like all sorts of electronics on the market. He will go ahead and save for perhaps three terms by starving at school to buy something like a video game. Same goes with the phones and other fancy wants, (If such saving habits go on, these guys might do boost our economy in the future).

Leave alone electronics, they like to spend on clothes, bling bling and lots more. They want the Lil Wayne, Jay-z, and P-daddy look they see on TV, therefore designer labels like Sean John, Louis Vuitton and Gucci products are a must have.

As for the girls, they are the most extravagant. Their expenditures are way exceeding than the boys. When they go shopping they want every good little thing from the mall. New trendy stilettos, new designer denim pants and tops to match their shoes is a must have. She would rather have a cool wardrobe than a worthwhile education.

And of course spending on their looks; hair, nails, not forgetting makeup of all colours and kind, and—a specific lotion. Habitually many teens do so to impress. Unlike the boys, who won’t mind whatever they use; whether it’s ‘Samona baby jelly’ or ‘chapa mbalasi petroleum jelly’, they don’t care.

Therefore, I conclude that teens are attention seeking people who assume their confidence and status-quo from their friends’—especially the opposite sex—opinion over and over again.

Additionally, there is the spending over dirty and unhealthy products, like drugs, alcohol, opium and pornographic material. Pornography is one nasty virus eating up most teen’s savings; they sometimes save their pocket money to rent porn-movies.

Besides the shopping mania, comes the ‘spending to impress’ socialite teen who will do anything to expedite relationships. Puppy love, I like to call it. 

"Back in high school I starved my self to save money so that I could take Julie, a new catch out,” Ezra utters.

"I borrowed my brother’s phone and dressed in my bling bling I had bought that holiday. Designer shoes and jeans, I was ready to go. The money in my wallet was not much but it was enough for two. I predicted that she would ask for chips or a pizza and maybe a soft drink. I was sure I would pay that,” he said.

That’s the kind of teen today. Gone are the days in African traditional societies where teens met at the well to fetch water. The 21st century is serving out right and this time round restaurants are allover. Go teens it’s your time.

rutarindwabob@gmail.com/ bolivewanted2010@gmail.com