RSE Market report; Wednesday February 23, 2011

The RSE made yet another record with a historic turnover of Rwf1,877,038,000 from 11,041,400 Bralirwa shares traded in 132 deals. Trading for the brewery was stable at Rwf170 from opening to the close of the session.  The previous trading session reported a turnover of Rwf476,000 from 2,800 Bralirwa shares traded in two deals.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The RSE made yet another record with a historic turnover of Rwf1,877,038,000 from 11,041,400 Bralirwa shares traded in 132 deals. 

Trading for the brewery was stable at Rwf170 from opening to the close of the session.  The previous trading session reported a turnover of Rwf476,000 from 2,800 Bralirwa shares traded in two deals. The trading activity was dominated by bidders predominantly foreign for the first time since the launch of RSE close to a month ago.

There were 1,400 shares on offer at the KCB counter at Rwf187 and no buyers. There was no activity on NMG counter.                                  

At the end of business, a total of 1,071,800 Bralirwa shares were on offer; 1,047,800 of the shares in two lots at Rwf 185; 23,000 shares in two lots at Rwf 180, and 1,000 shares at Rwf 174.

Bralirwa shares remained unchanged and closed at Rwf 170.

KCB shares and NMG shares remained unchanged; they closed at Rwf 173 and Rwf 1,200, respectively. 
