Rusesabagina should be taken to court now

Editor, I totally  a greed with the Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga, for calling a speedy trial of Paul Rusesabagina, following his recent declaration that the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) is a liberation movement.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I totally  a greed with the Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga, for calling a speedy trial of Paul Rusesabagina, following his recent declaration that the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) is a liberation movement.

Rusesabagina’s open declaration that he supports FDLR, a declared a terrorist group by the UN is an insult to the people of Rwanda.  FDLR committed genocide and supporting it is equivalent to denying  genocide.

The world should act now and have Rusesabagina arrested to face justice. He should be arrested and sent back to Rwanda. He should not be allowed to address university students because he is spreading lies about a credible and democratically elected government.

Rwanda has been liberated and Rwandans are leading a wonderful and peaceful life. It is this kind of people who are working closely with the terrorist organisation that seek to take the country back to the dark days.

You and your partners in crime will fail your evil mission and the law will catch up with you, no matter how long it takes.

Best regards

Abdi Nasser Ali
sogerep aviation