Uproot the root cause of corruption first

Dear Editor, When I read a story that ran in The New Times of 12th February 2008, in which the police at Kiramuruzi were holding the president of Gacaca and a cell official over alleged corruption, I realised the habit is still live and kicking.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dear Editor,

When I read a story that ran in The New Times of 12th February 2008, in which the police at Kiramuruzi were holding the president of Gacaca and a cell official over alleged corruption, I realised the habit is still live and kicking.

It is stated that the duo received a bribe of Frw350,000 each at Jambo beach in return for a fair sentence on the second ruling of a genocide related case. Luckily though, the MP who handed over the bribe had earlier tipped the police who came in handy to photograph money notes which later would act as evidence.

What these gentlemen did is disgraceful and deserves punishment. However, before we start pointing fingers at the two, we should think about the nature of their work, the working environment and how much they earn at the end of the day. We ought to be realistic and understand that these men get peanuts for a salary, and some times fail to resist the temptation to accept handsome bribes.

One of the plausible solutions that can be used to curb corruption is for employees to have good salaries and good working environment. Give people what they deserve and save yourself the trouble of corruption scenarios.