Twagiramungu and his political fantasy

Last month, Faustin Twagiramungu, a self exiled Rwandan living in Belgium, hosted the launch of the “Rwanda Dream Initiative (RDI)”, a so-called political party that, so far, has demonstrated the determination to thrive on dintrigue and divisionism. The launch, held at the University of Saint Louis, in Brussels, despite being widely advertised, was attended by a handful, mostly men wanted for their role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last month, Faustin Twagiramungu, a self exiled Rwandan living in Belgium, hosted the launch of the "Rwanda Dream Initiative (RDI)”, a so-called political party that, so far, has demonstrated the determination to thrive on dintrigue and divisionism.

The launch, held at the University of Saint Louis, in Brussels, despite being widely advertised, was attended by a handful, mostly men wanted for their role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.  

To elaborate on how pathetic Twangiramungu’s audience was, I will emphasise one of the key participants, Dr Eugene Rwamucyo.

The former lecturer at the National University of Rwanda - Butare, and medical doctor at the University Centre for Public Health (CUSP), was sentenced to life, by the Gacaca court of Butare, that sat in Ngoma, for his role in the Genocide.

"He was a member of the notorious ‘war committee’ that planned and executed the Genocide against the Tutsi in Butare,” the president of Ngoma Gacaca court, Jean Baptiste Ndahumba told The New Times in a recent inteview.

Rwamucyo is accused of planning the killing of Tutsi students and patients at the University teaching hospital. Over 400 students and staff at the National University of Rwanda are believed to have been killed during the Genocide.

The killer doctor, who had gotten a job at a French hospital, managed to stay under cover, evading justice, and would have probably lived unoticed, had it not been for his cruel nature.

One of his patients at the French hospital was devasted by Rwamacuyo’s derogatory remarks about her weight. The patient shared her experience with her husband who did a back ground internet search on the doctor only to discover his criminal past.

Rwamucyo’s cover was blown and he lost his job.
He was on Interpol’s wanted list, was arrested by the French Justice system, then released, giving Twagiramungu another high-profile genocide suspect to add to his list of invitees.

When Twagiramungu took to the floor, he acknowledged his tiny audience. In his self proclaiming tone, he told his audience that their presence was proof that he is a loved and appreciated politician.

The out-dated wannabe announced his political comeback, after a 7-year break, through his Rwandan Dream Initiative. It is always interesting to hear what politicians have to say, but what Twagiramungu had prepared for his audience was truly a divisionist’s view.

The man has simply lost touch with reality and is in some sort of wonderland, no surprise he chose to call his project a dream initiative.

He spoke of the need to go back to the past and relieve the times when Rwanda was under the rule of despots. He cited the same individuals who sunk the country to abyss as the heroes who ought to be relieved.

Someone needs to tap Twagiramungu’s shoulder and get him out of his dream. Rwanda has long moved on and is marching on to achieve her Vision 2020, which is not only realistic, but charts the way forward for the betterment of the Rwandan people.

A recent survey by the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission showed that more that 80 per cent of the Rwandan people are happy with the direction the country is taking. If Twagiramungu and his handful of sympathisers imagine that they can reverse the multi-sectoral progress the country is registering, then they sure need a wake-up call. Or else, the man and his Rwandan Dream Initiative will remain just that - a dream.
