Call centre clients growing

Though few corporate companies have registered with Rwanda Contact One Centre (COC), the centre is expanding.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Though few corporate companies have registered with Rwanda Contact One Centre (COC), the centre is expanding.

It started with ten seats (agents) in 2006, currently it has 46 seats.

But there is general complaint that corporate companies have not fully exploited the service offered by the centre.

Mutoni Kayihura, the call centre marketing manager says it’s only MTN, Rwandair Electrogaz, Kigali Tax Service (KTS), SMS media and Prime Property Management that are using the centre.

Clients of the corporate companies call the centre for inquiries and then latter they are connected to the respective service providers.

Kayihura says they also do telemarketing—

which is the marketing of goods and services on phone.


How the centre works

For Electrogaz; the centre receives complaints from clients on power cuts, requesting for cash power. Some times when a client’s house is burning the call centre contacts Electrogaz management for help.

Rwanda Air; talk to clients on booking, informing arrival and departure time.


"Companies have not yet known the crucial role played by customer service in growing the company because when you are signed with COC, you are signed on Worldwide," Mutoni said.

For a company to register with Rwanda Call Centre is charged Frw15,000 monthly.

The call centre also teaches companies how to do tele-sells– where clients can call and are connected to companies to buy different goods and services.

Rwanda Investment and Export Promotions Agency (Riepa), Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) also plan to register and SMS Media are some of the companies that intend to have their own call centres.

Rwanda call centre will on 10th March launch online Directory where short service will be delivered. Like when a car brakes-down and want to where and which garage the centre will direct you the nearest garage
