Adult education will steer Rwanda to greater heights

Editor, Allow me to begin by quoting one great thinker, who said “Education is the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another” Education, for the past many centuries, has been the driver of many national economies, bringing about socio-economic transformation. Unfortunately, nations that didn’t embrace education early on have found it rough in educating their citizens.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Some of the adults learning how to write in class (Photo T.Kisambira)


Allow me to begin by quoting one great thinker, who said "Education is the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another”

Education, for the past many centuries, has been the driver of many national economies, bringing about socio-economic transformation. Unfortunately, nations that didn’t embrace education early on have found it rough in educating their citizens.

It’s on this note that I was delighted to read, in yesterday’s  New Times, about an adult literacy programme being conducted in the country. No doubt, the adults who benefited from this programme will be very useful in contributing to the development of this nation.

Lessons conducted in these programmes, like  self-employment tips, will help them learn how to create more income that can be used to support their families other than perpetually relying on handouts.

Obviously, the other good outcome of this programme is that participants are taught how to read and write - two essential aspects for any human being.

With such programmes taking place in most parts of the country, I’m quite sure we shall slowly eradicate illiteracy in our country, and bring about a better Rwanda.

Alien Mutesi