Renowned comedian Japhet Mazimpaka commonly known as part of the duo of ‘Bigomba Guhinduka’ and ‘Hamagara’ will on Sunday, February 19, perform in a one-man show comedy dubbed "Comedy Special the Stupid Experience”.
Mazimpaka told The New Times that comedy lovers during his upcoming show should expect to see another stand-up comedian who is passionately introducing himself to the world.
"All I can assure people is to give them a good show with more surprises,” he said.
Commenting on the reason behind his solo show yet he has always shared the stage with 5k Etienne, he said that the duo agreed on trying other ventures outside‘BigombaGuhinduka’ and ‘Muhamagare’.
"I used to be more of a stand-up comedian and he's more into acting comedy — so we match both and do what we do together but also one can do something as his art directs him,” he explained.
The comedy special is expected to take place at Urban Park Suites where tickets are out already with Rwf 20,000 as entrance fee per person.