With collective effort, thatched housing can be eradicated

The Eastern Province Investors Forum has contributed Rwf 45 million to help the less privileged families get decent housing. While the Government has embarked on a programme to eradicate thatched housing, commonly known as Nyakatsi, its implementation requires collective support

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Eastern Province Investors Forum has contributed Rwf 45 million to help the less privileged families get decent housing. While the Government has embarked on a programme to eradicate thatched housing, commonly known as Nyakatsi, its implementation requires collective support

Rwanda’s history was characterized by bad politics and unequal treatment of the citizens. Consequently, some people ended up living in extremely harsh conditions.
While what happened in the past cannot be changed, we have the ability and responsibility to make the future brighter and better for all Rwandans.

The contribution from the Eastern Province business community is a demonstration of the solidarity that exists amongst the Rwandan people.

The same attitude should be manifested in other parts of the country, so that we ensure decent housing for all Rwandans.

We have proved that with determination and collective effort, we can provide home grown solutions to the challenges the country faces. This is another challenge that we should not leave to the government alone.

The plight of one Rwandan should be everyone’s concern.
