KHI students fundraise for the underprivileged

KARONGI - Students from the Western Province have raised Rwf605, 200 to support their less privileged colleagues. More than 100 students are expected to benefit from the donation made by their colleagues from the Western campus of Kigali Health Institute (KHI) in Karongi.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Students during the fundraising exercise (photo S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI - Students from the Western Province have raised Rwf605, 200 to support their less privileged colleagues.

More than 100 students are expected to benefit from the donation made by their colleagues from the Western campus of Kigali Health Institute (KHI) in Karongi.

Through Kigali Health Institute Student’s Union (KHISU), the students raised the funds with the help of local, religious and opinion leaders.

Patrick Kananga, the president of KHISU explained that the fundraising is a continuous process.

"Following the abolition of stipends to students by SFAR, we decided to find a way of helping some of our fellow students who cannot afford the basic requirements such as meals,” he said.

SFAR is the Students Financing Agency of Rwanda and they scraped the Rwf25,000 stipend on government-sponsored students as a way of cutting costs.

He said that over 1,000 students were supported by SFAR and of these, 90% had been dropped as beneficiaries to the stipend.

Most of the students who spoke to The New Times expressed patriotism and thanked the student leadership for the initiative. 

Level two student Zephany Nsengumuremyi, said:  "It is important that we help each other because we are bound to live as one big family.”
