Rwanda’s moral standards a big lesson in Africa

Editor, I read, in The NewTimes of Saturday (February 19), an article regarding the resignation of former Sports and Culture Minister, Joe Habineza. As a person who follows Rwanda’s issues, I was not surprised that this minister tendered in his resignation before even the appointing authority said anything.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I read, in The NewTimes of Saturday (February 19), an article regarding the resignation of former Sports and Culture Minister, Joe Habineza. As a person who follows Rwanda’s issues, I was not surprised that this minister tendered in his resignation before even the appointing authority said anything.

Indeed, some people from the region will be surprised because, where they come from, such a thing cannot cause a minister’s downfall. For instance, leaders embezzle public funds, use it to build castles for themselves, leave the majority of nationals wallowing in poverty.  

A leader who steals public funds with impunity cannot, therefore, step down simply because his photos appeared on the internet. But in Rwanda, it’s a different society and the moral standards expected from public leaders are high.
Rwanda’s moral standards should be a lesson to other countries in the region.

Abdi Nasser Ali
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