Who is to blame over shoddy work at Parliament?

Editor,                        The parliament is commended for its efforts towards curbing corruption and mismanagement of public funds in this country. However, I have read stories in the media concerning the rehabilitation of Parliamentary Buildings which is very disturbing. The report compiled by a special parliamentary committee shows that the project was inadequately supervised and this allowed substandard work to be done.

Monday, February 21, 2011
The Parliamentary Building after its renovation. MPs have called for an audit of the works (File Photo)


The parliament is commended for its efforts towards curbing corruption and mismanagement of public funds in this country. However, I have read stories in the media concerning the rehabilitation of Parliamentary Buildings which is very disturbing. The report compiled by a special parliamentary committee shows that the project was inadequately supervised and this allowed substandard work to be done.

I read with concern that the two ministries of Infrastructure (MININFRA) and Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), which were supposed to monitor the renovation activities, did not do it properly.

The contractors, Thomas & Piron and Fair Construction, have  denied any wrongdoing. They have reiterated that they performed the work as required by the contract. So, who is to blame for the mess?

I am grateful to hear that Members of Parliament have, again, ordered that audit of the controversial tender to renovate its buildings be carried out again.  This audit will, in my opinion, get to the root cause of the problem and people found culpable get punished.

Rwanda has set up a good image in the fight against graft in the region and we must keep the flame burning.

Innocent Ruliisa