It’s time to cut fdlr support

Rwandans fugitives and other individuals abroad,  linked to terrorist activities have, in the past few days, been on public platforms in the United States, trying to re-write Rwanda’s story and presenting all sorts of fabricated allegations against the state of Rwanda.Paul Rusesabagina, the Hollywood manufactured fraud, who presents himself as a hero has been on the speaking circuit, addressing University students, presenting a highly flawed narrative about Rwanda. Most of these students do not have clear information about the man they have been hosting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rwandans fugitives and other individuals abroad,  linked to terrorist activities have, in the past few days, been on public platforms in the United States, trying to re-write Rwanda’s story and presenting all sorts of fabricated allegations against the state of Rwanda.

Paul Rusesabagina, the Hollywood manufactured fraud, who presents himself as a hero has been on the speaking circuit, addressing University students, presenting a highly flawed narrative about Rwanda. Most of these students do not have clear information about the man they have been hosting.

Others of his ilk have also been at it, presenting a false historical account of Rwanda’s rebirth.  What is evident is that these terrorist collaborators will not succeed in their efforts to tarnish Rwanda’s impeccable image that has been achieved in the last 16 years.

However, such people should not be offered the opportunity to use otherwise reputable platforms to spread their falsehoods. Universities and other public institutions in western countries, should carry out necessary background research on the personalities they offer a speaking platform. It is also important that Rwandans in the Diaspora and friends of Rwanda tell Rwanda’s true story and never hesitate to present Rwanda’s real image at such speaking engagements.

At the same time terrorist collaborators must be censured  and denied succour. 
