Perceptions about women’s makeup

You may not believe this, but it has become part of Rwandan or the region’s culture that if you are a woman and more especially a city beauty, you have to lighten your face through the artificial wear, make-up or powder and the rest.And so we were curious to dig out what Rwandans say about the trend that has consumed the Rwandan girls and the middle-aged women or housewives! So we moved around town asking whoever could care if they prefer natural face or those with the artificial makeup we see our ladies carrying on city streets and offices, churches, schools, among others. Below they make their opinions.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

You may not believe this, but it has become part of Rwandan or the region’s culture that if you are a woman and more especially a city beauty, you have to lighten your face through the artificial wear, make-up or powder and the rest.

And so we were curious to dig out what Rwandans say about the trend that has consumed the Rwandan girls and the middle-aged women or housewives! So we moved around town asking whoever could care if they prefer natural face or those with the artificial makeup we see our ladies carrying on city streets and offices, churches, schools, among others. Below they make their opinions.

Joana 20, a student at university says: I don’t wear heavy makeup, but I do wear it every day and wash it off at night before I go to bed. My boyfriend often comments on how cute he thinks I look with my simple application. I always think he’s just being nice because I don’t even think makeup can add beauty to me.

Peter, 30, a city businessman replied: Day in day out, we see ladies with shining faces. Some say makeup makes them look beautiful, others say it makes them romantic. Others say faces without powder make them look scary to the men. But for me I am surprised because I really can’t tell much difference in my wife, with or without applying makeup. She looks the same to me either way!
 Josephine, 25, housewife: Of course I think that makeup adds something special to the woman’s facial features. The pale eyelashes don’t show up without powder and of course I look better with makeup. At least, in my mind. But I advise ladies not to overdo it, to avoid the critical eye of the public.

Jacob, 22, professional hairdresser says: Makeup around the house on the weekend is complete bore to me. That’s like you expecting me to wear a force- down shirt and tie around the house. If I’ve woken up in bed with you I already know what you look like, right? You’re not fooling me. I definitely appreciate a woman putting effort into looking good when we go out, but around my house on the weekend I want her to remain natural.

Rehema, 35, teacher: And yes, if you only do light, tasteful makeup, we may not even notice much difference at all. The only kind of situation where I can imagine a guy being really shocked is if he is with a woman who he has only sees with a TON of makeup, then he suddenly sees her with none. Even then, though, he should have been smart (sober?) enough to know she was hiding something if she had a layer of paint on her face.

Judith, 19, diploma student says: I apply little makeup. However, my friends think that they don’t make themselves up all the time, they will never get married. They think men are attracted by the makeup.

Simon, 40, social worker:  All women are trying to look good by wearing makeup. Look around the city you find that 16- year olds are trying to look older and 45 year olds are trying to look younger. It appears to me that every young lady in town is painting their face. But we should caution them about certain ingredients used, they could harm their skin.

Ian, 30, businessman says: Nothing wrong with wanting to look presentable. My preference would depend on the woman. Some look just fine with no makeup and some look a lot better with just some light makeup.

Shamim, 28, public servant: I always put on makeup and do my hair on the weekends, even if I am not sure that I am going to be going anywhere. But, I am a light makeup type of lady, so it’s just part of my regular routine, and doesn’t take that long.

Kate, 26, corporate lady: Most guys don’t know enough about makeup to know the difference, unless you always wear heavy makeup. If you have really pale eyelashes or something, they might notice that your eyes look "different” without powder.
